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LOS PPS DE TODOS FWD: 4 Foods Never to Eat

Hi ...

I got this great email from Craig Ballantyne I wanted to share with you!

From: Craig Ballantyne
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 1:43 AM
To: [S. JOIN]
Subject: 4 Foods Never to Eat

>>>Email Body<<<

Back in November I was having dinner with world-famous nutritionist

Isabel De Los Rios and her husband in Los Angeles, California.

And believe me, I kept an eye on what she had to eat, after all, she's one of my three trusted sources for nutrition secrets.

Then the next day I went with her and a group of fitness experts to Bill Phillips' house in Beverly Hills. And I noticed he was listening

to every word she said as well!
And then the next morning, I saw her having breakfast with

Tim Ferriss, the NY Times best-selling author.

Wow, does she have a lot of guys listening to her advice on nutrition!

As my friend Joel Marion says, "When Isabel speaks, I listen…and so should you."

=> Do NOT Eat These 4 Foods if you want to lose fat fast

Take a few minutes to watch Isabel's free presentation she created for you, where she'll expose four of the foods you should NEVER eat if you want to lose belly fat fast.

Controversial? Yes.

Proven to help you lose fat? Absolutely.

=> 4 Foods NEVER to eat (free presentation)

This video is just in time to help cure your belly fat problem from the foods eaten over the holidays.


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